Mail Art News #81, August 21, 2024


digital collage turned into postcard for mailing out, T. Brown 8-2024
(combining source images from juanrg92 and Tex DeStyx, then colors altered)

We'll start with Facebook. The picture below is not a video, so here's the link to the video

posted by Julie Matevish

posted by Julie Matevish

What is Vittore Baroni's Arte Postale? Let's have a look. I saw the picture below on Facebook and had to investigate a little further. I've included a translation of the original Italian article by V. Baroni about Arte Postale. You see an overview of the issues here

from Facebook

And now, what do you think of this mini-printing press? Watch the video for more information.And here's their website.



from Awyn to Giorgio Termignone

from Dean aka Artist in Seine to Hester

Todd Camplin posting some of his outgoing mail art

Todd Camplin posting some of his outgoing mail art

incoming from Pier Roberto Bassi

incoming from Pier Roberto Bassi

incoming from Pier Roberto Bassi

incoming from Cascadia Artpost 

incoming from Cascadia Artpost 

incoming from Nonlocal Variable 

incoming from Hanna Wright 

incoming from Hanna Wright 

incoming from Bridgette Nagel 

incoming from Juan Petry 

incoming postcard from Juan Petry (artist: Karl Dieter Horn)

incoming from Juan Petry 

via email from Nonlocal Variable 

postcard of old Baltimore (date unknown) from Ariel Greenwood

outgoing mail art, T. Brown, 8-2024

photographic evidence of my train town from the mid 1990s, copies to be mailed out


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