Mail Art News #42: Weekly Review

seen on IUOMA, work by Dragan Jukic

Hello Stranger. It seems like a mighty long time, but it's only been a week. Welcome back. Blogging about mail art should be fun and NOT like work, so we'll keep it that way. Here's a review of where I've been and what I've seen in the Mail Art universe. First, a reminder from The Sticker Dude:

incoming from The Sticker Dude

So toughen up! And learn to have some fun again, like these egg people. 

Valentina Cozzi's work, posted by Mikel Unzilla on IUOMA

Mail Art News media specialist, Ariel Greenwood, uncovered a book published by PostSecret (2006), which compelled me to check if it was still a thing. Sure enough, it is! >>>

Anyone on the internet can mail in a secret on a postcard or in an envelope. The organizers of this project have received over 1,000,000 pieces of mail so far. 

Of course the egg people have secrets and sensitive topics. Some will even rant and rage if triggered, but sometimes they manage to socialize and have a good time. There are some bad eggs out there though. Just be aware of your surroundings and maintain an adequate level of situational awareness. 

Will reading Joey Patrickt's Eat IT UP help me maintain adequate levels of situational awareness? May-be...? 

incoming from Joey Patrickt

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In other news, The Sticker Dude has invented a time machine. 
Here, he visits a place called Pastland, in the year 1955. The people of Pastland were smart. They, like, knew how to do stuff and make things. 

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incoming fun from Francis Lammé

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UFOs and ghosts may sometimes distract one from the mantra-state BE HERE NOW. Pac-man was popular because he hunted and ate ghosts. People generally don't like ghosts. Sure, images of ghosts are fun, but to be tormented by a real ghost? I think most people would say "No thank you." The same goes for aliens. I don't personally have any encounters with ghosts or aliens to report. I did have one or two times when I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't move or talk, which made me wonder..."Hey was I just abducted by aliens and then returned?". Sleep paralysis -I think it's called. Not pleasant, but this is not a pipe...these are just harmless pictures of UFOs and ghosts, fun for the mind to play with. 

incoming Halloween rubber stamp fun from Pam Chatfield

...but also look at this more psychedelic work from Pam C, as seen on IUOMA. Send me all the psychedelic mail art. 

📁  ✉️  📁  ✉️  📁  ✉️  📁  ✉️  📁  ✉️

It's also important to regularly go into the mail art archives and share with the public. Here's one from Diana Hale (June 2019). Long Live Mail Art! 

from Diana Hale, 2019

And remember: 

A probably sarcastic reminder from Jon Foster, via
Joey Patrickt, included on the back of an Add & Pass. 

So long, and thanks for all the fish! (In reference to the number 42.)

Upcoming blog posts: 

  • An interview with Mail Art News media specialist, Ariel Greenwood
  • An overview of Cascadia Artpost, plus a few interview questions
  • Maybe an interview with Julie Matevish?

And yes, now I must get some things ready to mail out, so I can keep my mail artist license. 

Ah, one more thing. Just learned of this project: Zine In A Box. Take a look-see. There's also an index of participants


  1. Good reading as usual. I didn't know about Zine in a Box. I'll have to check that out. Psychedelic mail art coming your way.

  2. Oooooo Pam! I dig the spooky ones! Bravo-a-go-go!


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