Mail Art News #1
How does a person get into mail art? They are living their life and then one day, the idea comes to them to send something creative to a friend. This can be a decorated envelope, a self-made postcard, or an envelope full of random or perhaps carefully curated content. For me, the editor of Mail Art News, I was actively involved with art forums and discussion groups online since about 2004. Then around 2010, I decided to make a zine called The Brown Mega Corporation Arts Newsletter , to document the works of my online art friends and associates. These were then mailed out to a list of dozens of people. I was also sending one or two hand made postcards in the mail at this time. And somewhere around this time, though I cannot pinpoint the exact order of events, I watched How to Draw a Bunny , a film about the life of celebrated correspondence artist Ray Johnson. The zine only lasted about a year and a half due to time and costs associated with producing a free zine and mailing it out ever...