Mail Art News #85: Q & A with Juan Petry

Submission by participant David Bonet (see details below) In October 2024, Juan Petry reached out to me by email suggesting a Zoom interview to discuss his mail art mega-project known as Social Dada, but after two years (2019-2021) of working from home with regular Zoom video calls, and finding that medium of exchange to induce too much self-consciousness and baggage, I suggested we use email instead. Immediately below, you will find a description of the Social Dada project from Juan's website, and then the interview for you to enjoy. -Thomas Brown, November 7, 2024 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project description from Thomas Brown (TB): Why mail art? Juan Petry (JP): I don't know what art is, so I don't know what mail art is either. It's a suitable term for sending something that some people think is art by post. I like the openness and commitment. In an area that is...